Double Your Business in Seconds With Cut-Priced SMS Reminders

31 Jan 2019

You’ve managed to get customers to come in for a repair job or scheduled maintenance. And while they’ve left happy, have you done enough to make sure they come back to your workshop?

An SMS is opened 98% of the time and reaches a customer within 3 minutes, which makes it a highly effective and easy way to communicate with your customers.

From booking and service reminders to job complete notifications, you’ll be able to automate everything through your existing Workshop Mate tool.

That means no more forgetful customers and missed appointments!

You’ll be amazed at how easily your relevant and low-key SMS reminders correlate with repeat business – and you won’t have to chase customers over the phone anymore.

You can double your business potential in seconds by simply activating this simple SMS feature on Workshop Mate – now available to you at reduced prices. It’s so easy to get started.

The opportunities are limitless!

If you are using Workshop Mate, click here to activate SMS reminders.

If you're not using Workshop Mate click here to try Workshop Mate free!