The Best Upselling Techniques for Auto Repair Shops in 2022

23 Aug 2022 Helpful Tips


Upselling has and will always be one of the most important parts of running an Auto Repair Workshop. If your Workshop doesn’t upsell you are cutting yourself off from a large potential revenue stream. To upsell successfully, your Workshop needs to have the right strategy in place that makes it hard for customers to walk away.

Here are the Best upselling techniques for Auto Repair Workshops in 2022.

1. Identify Your Customers Needs

Before you begin upselling it is important that you understand your customers wants and needs. You can’t just choose a product to upsell and hope customers will purchase it at a discounted price. To have a successful upselling strategy, your Workshop needs to figure out what products customers want and need.

Research what parts or services customers are frequently purchasing from your Workshop and see what type of upselling offers you may be able to offer them. The more desirable your upselling offer is for customers, the harder it will be for them to refuse.

2. Offer a Up Sell That is Relatable to the Customers Original Purchase

One of the biggest upselling mistakes that businesses make is offering customers a product or service that is so far off their original purchase. For example, if a customer has come in for a Wheel alignment, don’t offer them a muffler product or interior product, try to make it something more relatable like Rim protectors etc.

The reason why your shop needs to offer an upsell related to the customers original purchase is because they are already in the market for a product or service of that nature. Upselling a product related to a customer’s original purchase will make it so much harder for a customer to refuse!

3. Offer a Discount

By far the best upselling strategy for Auto Repair Workshops is to offer products or services at a discounted rate. There is nothing more enticing for customers than seeing a deal where they can get a saving.

Before your Workshop considers offering products or services at a discounted rate, it is important that you get together with your accountant and see how far you can discount a product / service and still generate a profit. There is no point losing money on a upsell!

4. Pick the Right Time

Timing is the most important part of the upselling process. To generate additional sales, you need to pick your time wisely. If you ask a customer too early, they may think you are trying to squeeze more money from them and on the opposite side, if you ask too late there is a chance a customer may move on.

For mechanical Workshops it has been found that the best time to upsell is the time between notifying a customer of recommended repairs or when their original service has been complete. This way you can discuss any additional services you may have, the price and discuss how long it will take you to complete.

5. Reward Loyal Customers

In the Auto Repair Industry, return customers are king! The more customers that return to your Workshop the better the position your shop will be in. A great way to upsell is to offer your regular loyal customers a saving on their future bookings!

The benefit of offering discounted services to loyal customers is it shows them that you value their business. The more a customer feels valued, the less likely they will be to look at other providers.

Final Word,

Upselling will always be one of the most important parts of running an Auto Repair Workshop. Having a great upselling strategy is easier said than done. Before your shop begins upselling it is important that you research and understand your customer’s needs. The 5 strategies mentioned above are great ways your Workshop can upsell in 2022.

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Workshop Mate by Jeal is an Australian, Web-based, Workshop Management Software that simplifies and automates the daily tasks of running a mechanical Workshop. Using innovative technologies, Workshop Mate removes common frustrations experienced at the Workshop – opening your doors for future growth.

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