As a Workshop Owner, your number one priority is to service and repair vehicles. It can be really frustrating when you or your mechanics get caught up performing administration tasks. When you get caught up performing administration tasks it costs your shop both time and money and in 2023 you simply cannot afford either.
Administration will always be a part of running a Mechanical Workshop, but that doesn’t mean you should get caught up performing it manually.
As we proceed further into 2023 and beyond, Workshops should make automating administration a priority, here’s why…
1. Saves Time & Money
What’s the biggest expense to your Workshop? Mechanic downtime. If your mechanics are sitting around a computer taking books, chasing customers, or confirming jobs, they will reduce time spent working on vehicles.
Implementing a Mechanic Industry Specific Software to automate administration will save your Workshop thousands in time and money every year. A Workshop Management Software automates many key daily administration tasks like Customer bookings, reminders, quoting and invoicing.
Automating your Workshops administration through technology, will reduce your operational costs as mechanics can solely focus on their number one responsibility of servicing and repairing vehicles. The less time your mechanics spend on admin, the better your workshop will perform its that simple.
Related Article: How Mechanical Workshops Can Combat Rising Inflation.
2. Streamlines Processes
Having a strong operational process is the key to running a successful business. Many Workshops make the mistake of not implementing set processes for mechanics to use on a daily basis. The problem with that is it will cost you both time and money.
Using a Workshop Management Software will ultimately streamline your workplace operations. Think of a Workshop Management System like the heart of your business. Everything you do will flow through the workshop management software.
Mechanics can see assigned jobs, know when they need to complete them by, automate invoices and more in the one central, industry specific software. Streamlining your operations using a Workshop Management software will put your team on the same page and will simplify the way you do business.
3. Improves Efficiencies
Another benefit of automating administration is it will improve your Workshops efficiency. Like mentioned in the point above, if your mechanics are getting caught up on the phone or by the computer, not many customer service or repair jobs will get done.
The only way to increase efficiency in 2023 is by automating tedious everyday tasks like booking, quoting, invoicing and customer reminders. Your mechanics simply don’t have the time to be doing that, they need to be 100% focused on repairing vehicles.
Using a Workshop Management Software, your team can completely remove many tedious administration tasks. The result? Less time mechanics are away from the garage and more time working on customer vehicles!
4. Increases Scalability
As a business owner, one of your biggest priorities is to grow year on year. One of the reasons why so many small businesses struggle to achieve growth is because they get caught up working in the business on tasks like admin, instead of on the business.
Automating Administration using a Workshop Management Software will open your shops doors to a greater growth potential. With many time-consuming tasks removed, your Workshop will have more time to focus on implementing strategies that escalate growth!
Related Article: How to Grow Your Workshop in 2022.
5. Centralises Operations
Many Workshops make the mistake of managing different areas of their shop in totally different systems. The problem with this is it is difficult to manage and doesn’t put everyone on the same page.
The benefit of using a Workshop Management Software to manage your shop is it will centralise all your operations into one location. Having a centralised system will create a more transparent working environment which will both streamline performance and maximise customer satisfaction.
Final Word,
Workshops cannot afford to get caught up performing administration tasks in 2023. To start 2023 off right it is so important that your Workshop prioritises automating administration using a Industry specific Workshop Management Software.
We hope you enjoyed reading this article. To read more articles like this, please visit the Workshop Mate latest news page here.
About Workshop Mate,
Workshop Mate by Jeal is an Australian, Web-based, Workshop Management Software that simplifies and automates the daily tasks of running a mechanical Workshop. Using innovative technologies, Workshop Mate removes common frustrations experienced at the Workshop – opening your doors for future growth.
Workshop Mate features include Job Management, Stock Management, Quotes, Invoicing, Integrated Accounting, Barcoding, Customer Bookings, Service History, Job Allocation and more – in the one central, easy-to-use application.
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